
Friday, May 20, 2011

The Understory Artist

Nature’s Pretty Secrets

Photographer Jackie Labovitz uses a mix of skill and unwavering patience to capture images of hard-to-find plants and animals.

Nature's Pretty Secrets
Jackie Bailey Labovitz is known as an “understory artist”—meaning she is a specialty photographer who goes to great lengths to find, and then take pictures of things most people never see. Usually her quests involve countless hours combing damp woodland floors for specific flowers, amphibians and insects, then spending considerable time on her belly to photograph them in meticulous detail. She targets wildlife we would never see otherwise because the plants or animals tend to live only in specific places at very specific times.
Read this entire article from Virginia here

UNDERSTORY, an exhibition of 16 of her photographs on canvas, celebrating the short perennial lives of native plants that bloom beneath the forest canopy, is currently on view at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Naturalist Center, the Norfolk Botanical, and the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. 

Visit Jackie's website here:
Don't miss her beautiful wildlife photos of Birds, Butterflies, Insects, Amphibians, Mammals and Plants. Click here
"When photographs are as beautiful as these, they should be seen by everyone."

Helene Lisy, Naturalist Center
National Museum of Natural History

BRFAL Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalist loves nature photography!  Learn more about this program in Virginia here. Get outside and photograph something beautiful today!

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