
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Atmospheric Optics

Crepuscular Rays, Heiligenschein, Iridescence? Do any of these terms ring a bell?

rainbowphoto © 2006 christina rutz | more info (via: Wylio)

They all fall under the category of “Atmospheric Optics”. When sunlight enters the atmosphere it is either scattered, absorbed, reflected or transmitted on through. How objects at the surface respond to this energy depends on their general nature and the wavelength that strikes them. Thus the world of Atmospheric Optics which you and I can enjoy.

To view and learn more about these phenomena visit: “Atmospheric Optics”

This info shared with you via CoCoRaHs website and its members. What is CoCoRaHs? It stands for Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network. "Volunteers working together to measure precipitation across the nation."  Where their motto is:


Find out more here from their website:   BRFAL Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalist has members who participate in CoCoRaHs I, being one of them! My rain Station Number: VA-FR-12 and Station Number: VA-FR-12.

View the daily precipitation from the last 24 hours as reported across the USA by CoCoRaHs members here.  

This is a great family project or homeschool science project! From entering this daily precipitation count from our rain gauge my children have inquired about weather patterns and had more "atmospheric" inquires than ever before! 

If I am not wrong, I believe one of the very first questions every child asks is about a rainbow "What makes all those colors Daddy?" and "Why is it up in the sky? and why is it so pretty?" Atmospheric Optics.  Click here to learn more about rainbows...for your kids, grandkids and yourself! 

Learn about Heiligenschein here (long shadows and dew creating "holy light") 
Learn about rays and shadows here

BRFAL Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalist wants to encourage learning no matter the age!

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