
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Bluebirds Rule! (at least for one day)

Last Saturday was a good day if you are a bluebird!  That’s because the first learning event in a planned bi-quarterly series was held at Kathy and Brent Scott’s workshop with some 20 members of the BRFAL community, and the focus was learning about bluebirds and building birdhouses for the bluebirds.  And we’re not talking any old birdhouse, nooo…..these houses had special snake guards to prevent the climbing types (like blacksnakes) from getting up to the house, and special wire mesh critter guards to keep other predators (typically raccoons) from reaching in and grabbing up a handful of babies.  The houses all had ventilation slots and a fold-out side door to allow for fledgling monitoring as well.  Finally, mounting poles and hardware were supplied so that the houses could be set at the proper height and distance from forest cover to maximize potential bluebird usage.  With 15 bluebird houses made, everyone had productive, very fun and educating day! 

Special thanks go to chapter member Dick Hendrix for providing box designs and an informative lecture about bluebird habits and habitat and to chapter VP Wayne Barnes for setting up the event.  And finally, a very special thanks to chapter member Kathy Scott and to her husband Brent for acquiring all the needed materials and pre-cutting and pre-drilling the designs.  Very impressive!  Mine are up and ready for inhabitants!

Happy Birdhouse Owners!

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