
Monday, May 4, 2020

BRFAL Members' Photos: Moneta Park

Shearer R visited Moneta Park recently and describes her trip thus

“Moneta Park is a little used park across the road from me which has been fun this spring. The one clump of Iris Cristata finally bloomed. The teen age red eft is always fun. I first learned the Putty Root orchid leaf (with its interesting pleating) 11years ago and I am finally going to see a stalk in flower. The leaf will probably be gone by the time it blooms. 

For the id on the little snake I had to go to iNaturalist. It is a Mole King snake, new to me. It is rarely seen because of its underground habitat preference but is not unusual in the Piedmont of NC, VA and MD.”
Iris Christata

Putty Root Orchid

Red Spotted Newt Eft

Mole King Snake

Thanks, Shearer, for sharing this park with us!

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