
Friday, May 15, 2020

Vole…Mole…or Shrew?

Who knew?

After spotting this little vermin on my driveway (already deceased, from unknown causes) I assumed it was a mole or vole. I have been plagued with tunnels though out my yard and flowerbeds. But after some thought, I pulled out my Peterson Field Guide of Mammals. Alas, I think I was mistaken on my initial identification.

Not being an expert (on ANYTHING but rather just your average amateur), I discovered this furry body was that of a shrew. Not going into too many details, a VOLE most resembles a mouse with a short nose, and big ears and big eyes.  A MOLE, has tiny eyes, really tiny ears and big digger feet and a shorter tail. A SHREW has tiny eyes, long nose and feet that are larger than that of a vole or mouse and most definitely smaller than that of a mole.

Submitted by Kathy Scott of Blue Ridge Foothills and Lakes Chapter of VMN

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