
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Make yourself at home!

Dick LeRoy looked through his front door’s window and found this little visitor napping comfortably on his porch.  Last summer fawns were content curled up in his flower bed, but now this cozy corner beckons.

According to Wild Republic, mother deer will often leave her babies alone for long periods of time, particularly in the first few days. This is because a newborn fawn has no scent and is safer motionless and alone, rather than trying to keep up with its mother. If there is more than one fawn, she will hide them in separate places. The mother periodically returns to feed the fawn until it is strong enough to join her on her never-ending quest for food.

A new born fawn only weighs between 4 to 8 pounds. It is often compared to the size of a large house cat with really, really long legs! Dick’s reaction to his little visitor: “I guess he suspected he might be welcome and safe at a VMN’s house!”

Looking through front door window: Hello, Little One!

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